Economy in Society

Economic Sociology Revisited

ISBN: 978-1443831451
Liczba stron: 585
Rok wydania: 2011
Wydania: 1 (Cambridge Scholars Publishing)

Jacek Tittenbrun

Professor of Sociology at the Graduate School of Humanities and Journalism, University of Poznan. Among his very numerous publications are: 1. The Collapse of 'Real Socialism' in Poland, London-New York, 1993; Public vs. Private Ownership. In Search of the Rationale of Privatisation, London-New York, 1996

This book offers an in-depth analysis of sociology, e.g. such classics as Weber, Parsons and Homans and its adjacent social sciences with special reference to economics, including public choice theory, property rights theory, the Austrian school and others. This discussion submits many fresh observations; giving the theories under consideration their due, it at the same time exposes their flaws. In addition, this book contains a constructive programme of the research field in question termed socio-economic structuralism which involves many theoretical innovations, notions of ownership and class included. This positive theory draws on, albeit is far from mimicking, achievements of the thinkers considered in the remaining parts of the book. From the reader's viewpoint, it is interesting to note that the book is written in plain, non-technical language. To put it in a nutshell, Economy in Society is a must for everyone interested in economic matters as well as both past and contemporary social sciences.