Women in the Piast Dynasty

A Comparative Study of Piast Wives and Daughters (c. 965–c.1144)

ISBN: 978-90-04-50702-9
Liczba stron: 572
Rok wydania: 2022
Wydania: TRANSLACJE / Brill, East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 450-1450, Volume: 80 / tł. Anna Kijak

Grzegorz Pac

Grzegorz Pac (born 1982), Associate Professor at the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw. He received his PhD in 2011 and his habilitation in 2020. Studied at the Institute of History of the University of Warsaw and at Queen's University in Belfast. Holder of scholarships from the Socrates-Erasmus programme, the Minister of National Education and the Foundation for Polish Science. In 2009 did a doctoral internship at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität in Kiel (as a grantee of the KAAD foundation from Bonn), in 2011-2012 postdoc at the University of Notre Dame (Garstka Fellowship), in 2012-2015 - postdoc at the Institute of History, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (National Science Centre, Poland, FUGA). He works on religious and political culture in the early and high Middle Ages, including the social role of women, queenship and the cult of saints.

This book analyses the role of women in the Polish Piast dynasty from c. 965 to c.1144. It discusses gender expectations and the literary topoi employed to describe rulers’ wives and daughters as well as showing their importance in religious donations, the creation of dynastic memory, and naming patterns, as well as examining Piast women’s involvement in female monasticism. Pac takes a comparative approach to these themes, analysing Polish sources alongside sources from other areas of early and high medieval Europe.