Transcultural Haiku

Polish History of the Genre

ISBN: 9783631846490
Liczba stron: 700
Rok wydania: 2021
Wydania: 1 / TRANSLACJE tł. Justyn Hunia

Beata Śniecikowska

A literary scholar and art historian, Associate Professor in the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. Her main research areas are intersections of literature and visual arts, as well as figures of sound in experimental poetry.

The monograph presents the Polish history of haiku and the forms associated with this genre – in literature and visual arts. Polish works are confronted with Japanese poetry (along with its aesthetic, philosophical and ethical contexts) and with haiku-inspired miniatures produced by poets from various European and American countries. The book also touches upon the theory of literary genres and translatological problems (translations of Japanese haiku as a touchstone of changes in Western literature). The presented discussion with haiku as the central theme allows for a unique and panoramic perspective of Polish poetry of the last hundred years. It also facilitates original analyses of the relationship between literature and visual arts – in the field of book art, painting and multimedia.